вторник, 24 марта 2009 г.

3 Rules to Follow to Get Your Ex Back

If you have been with someone for sometime, it can rather tough to continue life without them beside you. Each day after the breakup can be rather difficult to deal with. If you knew you could get your ex back no matter the circumstances, would you want to know how? All you have to do to get your ex back is follow several straightforward rules.В 

Rule Number (1) - No Contact with Your Ex

The first rule of thumb to remember is to immediately cut off any contact with your ex boyfriend/girlfriend. Many people think this is the opposite of what you should do. They believe that if they are out of the picture, their ex will suddenly move on. Actually, being in their face every waking moment is worse.Russian ladies You need to give him or her the time to miss you. By doing this, you can encourage them to give you a second chance because they have had that break. If you stay around constantly, it forces them to decide to complete end the relationship. So, stay away for at least a month.

Rule Number (2) - Be With Friends and Loved Ones

It’s true that it’s hard to pick up the pieces once you have separated but you need to do just that. That first week is going to the toughest but eventually you’ll see you are back on your feet. When this happens, go see those people who love you and spend some time with them. Go out and do the things you used to love before you were in the relationship. That time away is a time to fix yourself and have some fun but if you want to get your ex back, be prepared for the gritty work.

Rule Number (3) - Devise a Winning Plan

If you want to get your ex back, you need to come up with some sort of winning plan to get them back. Don’t expect your ex to put it together with you. Remember he or she broke up with you as their way of coping with what was going on in the relationship. If you want to get your ex back, you’ll have to come up with a strategy on your terms.


четверг, 5 марта 2009 г.

The fate of feminism

I do not think that feminism in Russia - this is only way to protect the psychological or social fashion. This is a real and sensitive response of smart women in Russia to suppress their men. Alexandra Kollontai was not «laying», as some sexist minded Russian men called her. She fought for women's rights in a country known female disempowerment. Unfortunately, it failed, Stalin sent it in Stockholm. And in Russia today, very few women in power, little Shelter (shelter) for women victims of violence, a Russian man swears матом. I am sure that russian ladies aspire to equality, and in so doing, I support them. In this sense, I - feminist. But they are easily rolled into old habits, and then consider: «beats - is love!» This feminism - it antimazohizm. And Alexandra Kollontai, and Irina Khakamada - antimazohistki. I was in Russia recently. Every year I spend with you for several weeks. At this time I was in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tula, and my favorite Yasnaya Polyana, where he lived and wrote the well-known misogynist Leo Tolstoy. This, he said: «A woman - they are people with sexual organs of the heart». Honestly, I have noticed little change in the behavior of Russian women. Of course, women on the streets today are much more attractive those who could be found in the seventies-eighties. However, deliberately emphasizing the clothing of their sexual attractiveness as the time and shows their dependence on external, male ratings of their merits. It is normal for teenage girls around the world, when they find that their body attracts boys and men often confuse sex with love interest for the individual woman. The woman, whose self-esteem depends on its ability to cause a sexual interest in men - infantile, mentally immature woman. Sometimes it seems to me that Russia is populated by teenagers in middle age.

The ideal Russian woman

There is sustainable in view of Russia, that the ideal woman should be the subject of adoration, admiration, almost worship. Her need to cuddle, give presents, to worry about it, decorate, and assist every minute. The ideal is derived from the noble culture. The image of bohemian courtesan - Townsman of envy and emulation. In hypertrophied form - it Ellochka Lyudoedka. External signs - dressed in fluff and dust, mannered, playful, like champagne, is not available, but inconsistent, daffy, ready to flee with the beloved on the edge of the light of the parental blessing. Since the early 20 century, smoking was shortened skirts, clipper, and then makes permanent, and again the clipper. Loved expensive jewelry, intuitively extends to the entire road and brilliant. According to the famous historian of fashion, my friend Sasha Vassiliev, a Russian dvoryanok before the revolution was a special breed (white bone - blue blood), unparalleled style, a perfect knowledge of foreign languages, which contributed to their success at international podiums. He believes that now this has disappeared. But Russian russian ladies are still valued by the business model and the international marriage market. The requirement of beauty, veneer remains topical for Russia. Tatiana Doronina and Renata Litvinova - nice and insane - the embodiment of Russian femininity.

понедельник, 23 февраля 2009 г.

Notes French psychologists

ladysThere are many different characteristics of men and women. Given that there is no distinct types of people, or rather, people who have their characteristic coincides with the character of "pure", it is necessary to combine all those characteristics, which verified the existence of man, of any character traits.

Here's the French psychologists believe that the ratio of women to men can be seen in terms of its position is "prokaznitsa", "adolescent" and "mature." By combining different approaches to his chosen Beatiful Girl ensures constant attention.


Behavior just as the little girls: immediacy, spontaneity, naturalness of action, and, sometimes, show off some of Conduct. As her husband often saw his father, who is very respected.


This type of women is characterized by unpredictable and aggressive behavior towards self.

Such women have a very inflated idea of an ideal husband and a fickle nature. Their partners great calmness and balance.


Such women are very loyal wife, loving mother and the mysterious mistress. Considering their experience in seduction and the seduction of men who find a way out of any situation. Some men see in them the embodiment of femininity.

Misconceptions of men to women

Many men live, and do not know the subtleties of women's nature. Every woman can manipulate a man through his ignorance of the true female nature.

Mistake 1. Men do not believe in the stereotype of women's actions. They believe that another woman will be different than the previous one.

Mistake 2. Men believe in women glupyshek, who invented the women themselves.

Mistake 3. Men often believe in the cultivated women lzhe-stereotypes about their weaknesses, romantic, cowardly. These stereotypes, women are often able to use to their advantage.

Mistake 4. Men seldom think about that every attractive person of female sex has a lot of konkurentok, which she hates lyuto.

Mistake 5. Few men know that the older the woman, the lower her self-esteem. To affect only self-conceit.

Mistake 6. Women's self is based on stupidity and money to men who can demonstrate it.

7 mistake. Many women want to play a man is not itself, but a woman that the man wants to see.

Mistake 8. Many men believe in the myth that women can they expect a very long time.

Mistake 9. Most women find it maloopytnym of a man who will be with them shy, timid and conservative appeal, which will be stushevyvatsya women.

10 mistake. Most men know that women are afraid of losing interest on the part you want them to men.

воскресенье, 22 февраля 2009 г.


Remember your first kiss? Such an innocent and nesmely. In our century, in contrast to the Middle Ages, the kissing is not taboo. Although kisses - at least intimate process than the sexual act beatiful russian girl. Research psychologists and chemists confirm that kissing can relieve stress and improve mood. In drevnekitayskom teaching 'Tao of Love' is considered that the kisses have a positive impact on the spiritual and energetic state partners.

Most of us first kiss experience acquired in 12-14 years. Do you know that the 'birth of Kiss' treat approximately 3000g. BC. e. when people worshiped gods, both expressed their reverence. It is believed that the queen Cleopatra, known not only for its beauty, and love, and many victories, has never been kissed. Some of the peoples of Africa, Australia and Asia before the arrival of Europeans, the kiss was not known. And in Sicily, for example, once the kiss was even offensive.

The perfect kiss - is primarily a sensual kiss. This warm, elastic lips and gentle active language. Naturally, a partner with whom you kiss, should like. And then you can enjoy leisurely tender movements. Sensual men can inflame only one kiss. One, my friend was telling both of their first kiss: 'I will remember his life. That kiss is so, I initiated that some time could not cope with a tremor throughout the body, although it was warm weather. Kiss was only in the lip and ear. "

No problem if you do not know how to kiss, just because have not met a suitable partner. You can learn to salt tomatoes. The fact that salted tomatoes thin skin and suck out the contents of the small hole is not dirty, it is quite difficult.

Osculate can vary. In the long kiss kiss can change the technique. In the Kamasutra of different techniques have a lot of information. This is only his lips and kisses, and the use of language, and gentle pokusyvanie etc.

The first kiss with a new partner could either deter us from continuing the acquaintance or accelerate it. It is therefore necessary to be able to be able to kiss anyone who thirsts for new conquests. If the first kiss with a man you dizzy from the incredible pain, it's likely that you will be with him well.

Depending on the nature and temperament male kiss in different ways. Quick kissing men prefer very solid and not proactive in the relationship. They are a little bit Don zhuany and windy. Confident and a little hard kisses are obtained from the calm and balanced men. They are a bit stolid and often hold traditional views. Gentle kisses men prefer sweet and caring. They need support from you in almost everything. Sensitive and kisses are obtained in a variety of self-confident people. They have a few idealists and require a lot of others in relationships.

понедельник, 16 февраля 2009 г.

Men are afraid of women with extensive sexual experience

Womensex4Scientists from the Research Institute of ICD Indiana University found that young men are afraid of women with sexual experience, while the older representatives of the strong sex, prefer them.

A recent study, young men are experiencing due to the fact if they can meet the requirements Our experience of women, so afraid of them - argue scientists from ICD Research Institute, University of Indiana, said factnews.ru.

At the same time, mature, men chose precisely these beatiful girls because they feel more exciting and more legible. In addition, the scientists found that men bring totally different things, once again dispelled the myth that all members of the strong sex feel sexual the same. For the study 50 men were divided into three groups (18-24 years, 25-45 years, 46 years and older).

Men who participated in the survey described their feelings at the time of erection and excitement about the importance of friendly relations, as well as the female mind. «There are many misconceptions about the man's views on sexuality and related thoughts, feelings and behavior», - noted Eric Dzhenssen from the Institute of ICD.

«We've used all the methods for determining the male sexual response. In addition, we resorted to the aid of questionnaire and interviews to learn about the sexual behavior of men. One of the conclusions, which we did by conducting focus groups is that, like women, all men are quite different », - he added.

The study also found that the erection can not be judged on the sexual initiation of men - the majority of the representatives of a strong sex stated that they sometimes erection when they do not feel excited or interested in sex with a partner. Some men reported that depression and the risk of being caught prevent them, while others called it exciting.