понедельник, 23 февраля 2009 г.

Misconceptions of men to women

Many men live, and do not know the subtleties of women's nature. Every woman can manipulate a man through his ignorance of the true female nature.

Mistake 1. Men do not believe in the stereotype of women's actions. They believe that another woman will be different than the previous one.

Mistake 2. Men believe in women glupyshek, who invented the women themselves.

Mistake 3. Men often believe in the cultivated women lzhe-stereotypes about their weaknesses, romantic, cowardly. These stereotypes, women are often able to use to their advantage.

Mistake 4. Men seldom think about that every attractive person of female sex has a lot of konkurentok, which she hates lyuto.

Mistake 5. Few men know that the older the woman, the lower her self-esteem. To affect only self-conceit.

Mistake 6. Women's self is based on stupidity and money to men who can demonstrate it.

7 mistake. Many women want to play a man is not itself, but a woman that the man wants to see.

Mistake 8. Many men believe in the myth that women can they expect a very long time.

Mistake 9. Most women find it maloopytnym of a man who will be with them shy, timid and conservative appeal, which will be stushevyvatsya women.

10 mistake. Most men know that women are afraid of losing interest on the part you want them to men.

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