воскресенье, 8 февраля 2009 г.

Man + Woman = Business

Women are more likely to speak without thinking, men often act without thinking. Beatiful Girls are 10 times more likely than men to be engaged in a demonstration of validity than the self-action (they express their feelings). Men in deciding actions - then perform it. In gender-specific should be targeted so as not to torpedo a romantic date, not to mention the business meeting. Blame the DNA The theme of the relationship of descendants of Adam and Eve from time immemorial excited and worried about to this day the hearts and minds of mankind. This does not write well, in the textbooks on mathematics. Although it is used to try to deduce a formula of love. But the issue becomes especially acute when men and russian ladies go beyond their personal interests, based on the sensory perception of each other. As soon as material interests, money, people start to behave unpredictably ... especially - women. 66

After these words, I probably should have changed her name to the man's nickname, or women may zaklevat me for this «promuzhskoy» text. So, the talks moved to a room. Negotiations are almost always a male, or female scenario. All depends on what prevails in the negotiations - the logic or emotion. Sometimes even no matter who leads the talks - men or women. Emotions such as those exposed, and others. Figuratively speaking, there are women in a male body and vice versa. However, there are stereotypes of male and female half of humanity, and they are quite firmly entered the consciousness. There you can find a lot of evidence. The case for genetic differences that occur during the negotiations. Namely, that women are more involved in verbal interaction (easier to say, talkative). Men are more prepared for action and competition. The Ukrainian women is easier to deal with time, a man - with the space. Women are more sensitive, it has a more developed ear, 10 times more tactile receptors of the skin (it needs touching) and the fine sense of smell. Vision is better developed in men. Evolutionary explanations of such differences is that, as we know from ancient history, man was more suitable for hunting, combat, competition, harassment at large distances, while the woman worked vyhazhivaniem children, their education, stay in an enclosed space caves, and therefore forced to resort to verbal interaction, to cooperate.

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