понедельник, 16 февраля 2009 г.

Men are afraid of women with extensive sexual experience

Womensex4Scientists from the Research Institute of ICD Indiana University found that young men are afraid of women with sexual experience, while the older representatives of the strong sex, prefer them.

A recent study, young men are experiencing due to the fact if they can meet the requirements Our experience of women, so afraid of them - argue scientists from ICD Research Institute, University of Indiana, said factnews.ru.

At the same time, mature, men chose precisely these beatiful girls because they feel more exciting and more legible. In addition, the scientists found that men bring totally different things, once again dispelled the myth that all members of the strong sex feel sexual the same. For the study 50 men were divided into three groups (18-24 years, 25-45 years, 46 years and older).

Men who participated in the survey described their feelings at the time of erection and excitement about the importance of friendly relations, as well as the female mind. «There are many misconceptions about the man's views on sexuality and related thoughts, feelings and behavior», - noted Eric Dzhenssen from the Institute of ICD.

«We've used all the methods for determining the male sexual response. In addition, we resorted to the aid of questionnaire and interviews to learn about the sexual behavior of men. One of the conclusions, which we did by conducting focus groups is that, like women, all men are quite different », - he added.

The study also found that the erection can not be judged on the sexual initiation of men - the majority of the representatives of a strong sex stated that they sometimes erection when they do not feel excited or interested in sex with a partner. Some men reported that depression and the risk of being caught prevent them, while others called it exciting.

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