вторник, 24 марта 2009 г.

3 Rules to Follow to Get Your Ex Back

If you have been with someone for sometime, it can rather tough to continue life without them beside you. Each day after the breakup can be rather difficult to deal with. If you knew you could get your ex back no matter the circumstances, would you want to know how? All you have to do to get your ex back is follow several straightforward rules.В 

Rule Number (1) - No Contact with Your Ex

The first rule of thumb to remember is to immediately cut off any contact with your ex boyfriend/girlfriend. Many people think this is the opposite of what you should do. They believe that if they are out of the picture, their ex will suddenly move on. Actually, being in their face every waking moment is worse.Russian ladies You need to give him or her the time to miss you. By doing this, you can encourage them to give you a second chance because they have had that break. If you stay around constantly, it forces them to decide to complete end the relationship. So, stay away for at least a month.

Rule Number (2) - Be With Friends and Loved Ones

It’s true that it’s hard to pick up the pieces once you have separated but you need to do just that. That first week is going to the toughest but eventually you’ll see you are back on your feet. When this happens, go see those people who love you and spend some time with them. Go out and do the things you used to love before you were in the relationship. That time away is a time to fix yourself and have some fun but if you want to get your ex back, be prepared for the gritty work.

Rule Number (3) - Devise a Winning Plan

If you want to get your ex back, you need to come up with some sort of winning plan to get them back. Don’t expect your ex to put it together with you. Remember he or she broke up with you as their way of coping with what was going on in the relationship. If you want to get your ex back, you’ll have to come up with a strategy on your terms.


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