четверг, 29 января 2009 г.

The question "how to marry a millionaire?" and answer a millionaire3

Separately, I would like to note that in his early career, I knew a lot about the effectiveness of the market. And I am surprised that such a «beautiful, funny, smart», as you have still not found a «papika». I find it hard to believe that such an attractive girl, as you yourself described have not yet found $ 500K per year.

By the way, you can always find a way to make money is: in this case, we would not have to be this difficult conversation.

In general, I want to say that you are on the right track - a classic strategy «vyzhmi emissions». I hope I helped you. Yes, if you are willing to discuss any options for rent - let me know!

All week, office workers on Wall Street sends this message to each other and discuss it.

In the view of many, now in America a lot of girls think the same as our heroine, and we are ready to rush into the arms of a single financially prosperous men. For this type of women, even a special word: they are called Plastic (one of the meanings of the word - an artificial, far-fetched, false, superficial).

Interesting details about the history of the emergence of these letters tells the New York Times.

Someone sent it to the site of DealBreaker, the next day the news appeared on the financial blog Howard Lindzona where and referred the most popular sites Digg and Reddit. The site is usually visited Lindzona 3 thousand people a day, but read this correspondence was 100 thousand - and the server failed load.

Craigslist refuses to report how many responses sent the European glamour Girls, none of the journalists were unable to reach her. Also unknown man, who wrote a reply. At one time the network tsirkulirovala version with the signature of actual investment officer department bank JP Morgan Chase, but found that his signature was added to automatically forward a letter that he received from friends.

Howard Lindzon, replying to the questions readers of the diary, initially attributed the authorship answer me, but then said that just joked and did not know the name of the author. Famous for its false reports on Craigslist blogger Michael Dykes argues that his hand was not the case, and adds: "Unfortunately, this letter may be present. I have seen this type of girls in New York City."